Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Saucy-licious Wednesday

Blicky Kitty is feeling absolutely Sauce-tastic, Sauce-tacular and Saucy-licious since he learned he is to be the featured blog over at the Secret is in the Sauce. Welcome saucy bloggers! I've already met some really great bloggy friends over at SITS, so I'm delighted and honored to have this Sauce-o-delic day in the sun!

I just stumbled over a reference to these the other day. Am I was the only person in the world who still remembers Wacky Packages from the 70s? If you don't it just means your either too young or not nerdy enough -- take your pick. They were little bubble gum packs that came with stickers spoofing contemporary ad campaigns. Here's my all-time favorite:
If I close my eyes I can almost hear the snorts and guffaws of countless 1970's kids from the 10 and under set.
If there's one things my kids are missing out on in their sheltered little Beatrix Potter PBS kids universe is a good drunken joke. Those little nuts are completely pissed off of their gourds. You never see Peep, Clifford or Caillou fall into a barrel of whiskey then stumble around hiccuping. I plan to write to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting on the subject. How will children ever know that they ought not go swimming in a barrel marked "XXX"? Caillou would say in his impertinent, high-pitched whine, "Mommy why are there two of you? I just punched Rosie and Gilbert!"

I remember this one too because it was so cool that there was this gruesome, dead Davie Crocket guy in there. I used to love the fact that anything was possible in the wacky packages universe. You could buy things that would seriously harm you and it would be hysterical.

What would be some good modern wacky packages? I think they just need to be super morbid, corny puns.

Oh here's some good mandatory fun for you. The birds and the fun animation reminded me of all the beautiful images in Steviewren's blog. I can't stop listening to Neko Case this week. Her voice is just astounding to me and her new album Middle Cyclone showcases it so well:


MuseSwings said...

Hey Saucy Lady! Congratulations!!!!

*mary* said...

Yay! Congrats on being the featured blog; well-deserved, mate!

Those wacky packs are just tacky and weird enough to be right up my alley (which happens to be a burned-out crack alley behind Waffle House where the deals on used vcrs and bicycles can't be beat).
Neko is awesome. Good choice, as usual. You're so predictably rad. Keep it up.

Ritch in Love said...

Happy Sits Day!! I'll be back later today after a good nights rest. :)

Heather at Mad Rose Creations said...

Congrats on being the FB! Fantastic! Have a great saucy day.

theUngourmet said...

Very saucy blog ya got here! Congrats!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Thanks for the stroll down memory lane! My son used to love the Garbage Pail Kids and had quite an impressive (?) collection.

Happy SITS Day - enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to being featured on SITS!!

Margarita Bloom said...

Congrats on being featured on SITS!! Those are some interesting labels to be sure....they actually sold those?? LOL...I imagine they must have been popular with all the little boys who wanted to scare the begesus out of little girls! :)

Lauren said...

Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being saucy! :)

Simply AnonyMom said...

Happy Sits day!

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

RoTFLOL I am sure I had all the ones you had pictures of and quite a few more. I loved those terrible stickers. Happy SITS day!

AP Mommy said...

Congrats on your feature day! I love your crazy kitty! That's awesome.

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL SITS was right this is a fun spot in blogland! Congrats, Jen

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL SITS was right this is a fun spot in blogland! Congrats, Jen

Mimi said...

Love the peanuts. Throw in some candy cigarettes & your kids are all set!

Mary-Catherine said...

Oh, I love it! Why don't they do these anymore? Those were great. Stopping by from SITS...you just crack me all kinds of up, girl!

cat said...

Happy SITS day girl!

The Blonde Duck said...

Happy SITS day!

April said...

Big congrats on being the FB today on SITS! Enjoy your moment in the sun!

mommakin said...

Stopping by from SITS. This is some funny stuff! I worked in a convenience store around the time those were popular and I remember selling those and the aforementioned garbage pail kids.

Becky said...

Happy SITS day! Enjoy your time in the spotlight

Sarahviz said...

Enjoy your day in the SITS spotlight! We're neighbors - I'm in MA on the border of RI right off Rte 146!

Anonymous said...

Hey Blicky! Congrats on being featured at SITS!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being featured! I don't remember those wacky packages. How can I not?

beth said...

happy sits day! caillou would be so much more entertaining if he went on a bender once in ahile!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Enjoy your SITS day.

RebeccaMom said...

I remember those wacky packages! I had completely forgotten! Thanks for bringing me back :) Congrats on being featured, SITSta, hope you have a wonderful day!

Ooh Baby! said...

I absolutely love Nekko. visiting from sits.

Rebekah said...

Enjoy your SITS Day!!!

Tanya said...

Congrats on your features...I love your humor! :)

Blicky Kitty said...

Thanks Cynthia!

Ooh Mary cool new profile pic! See you over in the burned out crack alley!

Margarita, I guess I must've been a little boy growing up and didn't know it. We were so into them! :)

Trenches of Mommyhood, Hey neighbor! We're on the east border of RI.-- off of 44. :)

Hehe beth Caillou on a bender!

Thanks so much for visiting everyone. Will try to return the favor!


Shell in your Pocket said...

Happy SiTs day!
sandy toe

Robin said...

WooHoo!.....Congratulations....it's your day to shine in the SITS sun.

I remember those wacky packs....not those specific stickers.....but I remember them....those and the Mad magazine with it's try fold back page.

Hope your day is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day!

Dorkys Ramos said...

Congrats on being featured today!! And I'm not sure if it's the same as Wacky Packages, but I remember these stickers of really gross Cabbage Patch Kids. Very disturbing!

Ok, I just scrolled down to read some comments and Mrs. Jelly Belly said it: the Garbage Pail Kids!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your feature!! Happy SITS day!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Happy SITS day!!

Oh, am I digging me some Neko Case!!
Love her! Had not seen this video!
Have a super day!


Maggi said...

Visiting from SITS, congrats! Those Wacky Packages are too funny!!!

Dina said...

coming over from sits..yes i remember those but i did not remember that was what they were called

Jen said...

Congrats. SITS is great. Keep up the saucy posts. Very fun to read.

Jen said...

Congrats on being today's featured blogger!! I do remember those wacky packs!

Enjoy your day!!

shaka said...

Oh my gosh I am TERRIFIED of ants! I hate that you posted that hahahha

Congrats btw!! :)

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

Congrats on being featured! Enjoy your Saucy SITS day!

Frugal Finds said...

I loved Wacky Stickers!! My brother in law still has a notebook full of these that he saved. Fun to look back!

Regina Moore said...

Congratulations on your saucy SITS feature!!

Jingle said...

LOL! These are pretty funny! Congrats on your SITS feature today!!!

Anna said...

Happy SITS day to you!!

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL! Not only do I remember them, I also remember the Garbage Pail Kids!!! Sick, sick!!!

Congratulations on your special SITS day! Have a fabulous, bloggy-love-filled day!!

Dee said...

Your blog looks fantastic! Congrats on being featured!!

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

Happy SITS day to you! : )

Unknown said...

Congrats on being sauced!
Enjoy the love!

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Like the cat w/ the sign.
~ Wendy

Carla said...

Happy SITS-day to you!

Rhonda said...

Happy SITS day! Have a good one!

M said...

I've never heard of those (before my time) that is frickin hilarious!!

Must go google to see more!

Happy SITS day :)

Jewel Allen said...

Congrats on the sauce.

That Davy Crockett pic is creepy :-)

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

No, I don't remember those but I think I'm too "old." The 70s were my party time - I was in the midst of high school and college. 'Nuff said!

Happy SITS Day!!

glenna said...

Congrats for your blog feature! Good read!

Debbie said...

Oh, I do remember those! They were great. I had forgotten about them until you reminded me. Have a great SITS day:)

Pam said...

Happy SITS Day! I LOVED Wacky Packages as a kid. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Elaine at Lipstickdaily said...

OMG this was hysterical! I soooo remember those packs! Thanks for reminding me!

Lesley said...

Yeah...Congrats on being the FB today...that is awesome

Ginger said...

Happy SITS Day! I remember those, so I guess I must be old enough . . .;)

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day!!!

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

Congrats SITSta! This post made me think of garbage pail kids....we found some that my husband had from when he was a kid they were gross and awesome!!

Mary K Brennan said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger. Kids are so sheltered these days. There would be parents picketing if these toys were released today. A little fun never hurt anyone.

Anonymous said...

Very Saucy :) Those are creatively wacky! I would have never known! Thank you for sharing :)

Blessings~~~ Danielle

Julie said...

Thanks for the blast from the past...yes, I remember those stickers! We thought they were SOOO cool!

Congrats on being SITSta of the day!

Great blog!

Mimi Head said...

Happy SITS day! I remember those wacky cards, they're a scream.

Tiffany said...

I don't remember those ads, but they are funny! Congrats on being Saucy today.

Christina Lee said...

LOVE your saucy blog!!! thanks for a good laugh!

Unknown said...

Happy SITs day!

Pseudo said...

Well, that was fun. I do love the before PC times. congrrats on your SITS day.

jori-o said...

Congrats on your sauciness! You are too much! (In a good way =)...)

Ali said...

I think Calliou could benefit from a little shot of something every now and then! Happy SITS day!

Rita Barakat said...

Happy Sits day!COngrats to you!

Unknown said...

Congrats to being today's FB over at SITS!!

Brooke said...

sorry, i was too young (as in not even born in the 70s) but i do remember garbage pail kids - does that count?

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Oh these are hilarious!

CONGRATS on being featured. Gonna go take a peek around. Have a great day!


Amy said...

What a great picture for you big day. Have a wonderful day. Happy SITS day.

Anonymous said...

thats awesome, bring back those packages! greta blog, keep it up!

Tricia said...

Stopping by to say hi from SITS! Love the packages, I would love to have them sitting on top of my cupboards in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...


South City Studio said...

Stopping by from SITS. You're hilarious - I'll be back!


Vickie said...

Congrats on being Featured Blogger!

Leslie, the cleaning coach said...

Stopping by from Sits! We are probably close enough to have coffee. I live in MA too! Congrats on the spotlight.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your SITS award.

Sturgmom said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Those Wacy Packages remind of the Garbage Pail Kids cards that were a spin-off from Cabbage Patch Kids. The GPK cards were so tradeable and collectable. And forgettable until just now! Thanks for the memory!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on SITS day!

Green said...

Congrats on your feature SITSta!

Tamara Mitchell said...

Congrats on being the Saucy lady of the day!

Cat said...

Great blog! Super funny. I'll be back :)

Anonymous said...

Visiting from SITS congrats on being featured. Love your kitty!

Michelle said...

Helllooo! Yay for being today's FB. I have to say....love this. When I saw the kitty in your header standing in the Pantheon, I knew I'd love your blog.

I'm off to snoop about a bit more. Hope you have a great day!

Karen M. Peterson said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

I guess I'm just a little too young to remember these. I'm in the Garbage Pail Kids generation.

Rebecca said...

Happy SITS Day!

monica said...

Happy SITS Day! Congratulations. Now off to look around more!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Love it!! Thanks for the memories!
When I was a camp counselor during the 1970's we used to sing "Cigarettes and Whiskey" around the campfire. Can you imagine?
Congrats on your saucy self!!

Star Forbis said...

Congrats on being featured today! Enjoy.

Miranda said...

Saucy-licious--I like that word. :)

Congrats on being the featured blogger.

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I love the Log In sticker. Tooo funnny!!!

christyzee said...

Congratulations on your special day!! You know, I don't remember the cards you have pictured, but my generation had THE GARBAGE PAIL KIDS cards. My mom hated those, she always said they were sooo gross!

Shelley said...

Congralations on being featured today. I hope it saucilicious.

Kami said...

Happy SITS day! I guess I am too young to remember wacky packages...I don't FEEL very young at 33, but I don't remember them, so thanks for making me feel like a kid! I could use that today :)
And I agree, what's up with kids' cartoons today. There is nary a bomb or dive off a giant cliff in site, let alone brown jugs marked "XXX". Wimps!
Great blog.

Mammatalk said...

Oh, Happy Day, Blicky! Enjoy your big, bloggy day! You deserve all the attention. :+)

Lora said...

Happy SITS day!

Linda Hughes said...

Congrats on you SITS Day! Very well-deserved honor!

West Texas Momma said...

I love the kitty! Congrats on your day!

Momma-of-5 said...

Just visiting from SITS...
Thanks for the mood-picker-upper! You're hysterical.

Denise Grover Swank said...

Happy SITS day!

DawnS said...

Hey, just hopped over to check out your saucy blog. Have a great feature day!

Dumb Mom said...

Congrats on the feature! You're the envy of all of your blogging friends. And, I'm gonna go with to young, which I consider a good thing:)

kimert said...

Congrats on your FB status!! :)

capperson said...

Congratulations saucy lady!!!

lemonologie said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Deb said...

Where did you dig those up? I totally remember the Wacky Packages--the ones that spring to my memory are the the booger-oozing gross kind :) Let me know what PBS has to say about your suggestions...LOL!

Congrats on your SITs feature!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Conrats on being sausy!!

Kat Rogers said...

Keep it Saucy!!

Makeup Theory said...

This is a cool video. Love it.

Pearl said...

Congratulations, Saucy Blick Kitty!

And I totally remember those things -- my brother and sister and I collected them!


Shawn said...

Love your blog! Congrats on being the SITS gal for the day!

I don't remember all those freaky things from the 70's, but I had other things on my mind....social growing up, don'tcha know.

Thanks for sharing them, though...

Have an amazing day!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

Congrats on being saucy! That was a cool song and animation. I do not remember the wacky packs and I was a teen in the 70's. You think I'd remember. I have the memory of a gnat so that could be the problem:)

CDB said...

Blick!!!! Congrats on your big SITS day!!! Just remember the little people that read you BEFORE you became famous. (:

What is our fascination with birds?.. first ravens, then sparrows. Robins never made it into a Poe poem though.. guess they're just too cute.

I'm proud to say I do NOT remember the whacked-out ads.. I was born mid-70s. (: :P

Mom said...

Congrats on your SITS day!

Arrrrgh, your blog has been pirated by Mom at Life...EXAGGERATED! Come see why...

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

I don't remember those packages, but they are quite funny. I was an 80's child with garbage pail kids, something else disturbing.

Read one of the original curious george books to my son the other day. A zoo-keepr was smoking a pipe and at one point, george got high on ether. Ha!

Cookie Brochette said...

Congrats on your SITS day, saucy kitty!

Check out what's cooking under the bulb at...Lightbulb Cuisine. Real food from an Easy Bake Oven.

Cindy DG said...

Dropping in from the SITS site to say hello and check out your site!

Marrdy said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I like your kitties!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Happy SITS day! I do remember those, but didn't until you showed them. I suppose they'd be so un -PC these days, but I loved them.

Amy said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Hilarious post! I especially enjoyed the bit about a drunk Caillou. Too funny!

Ginny said...

Ok, I love your blog! You have a new reader :)

Katie Lane said...

Enjoy your day!

Tiger said...

Congratulations to being featured on SITS!!

Valerie said...

Happy SITS day!! Love the kitty on the couch pic. lol

Sara said...

Congratulations on the feature today. Lovin' your blog.

Morgan said...

Congrats on your day! How funny are those wacky packs!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Blicky! Can't wait to hear more!

Amanda said...

Happy SITS day!!
Wow I had never seen those before. They are cute in the dark humor kind of way! =)

Chatham said...

Happy SITS Day!!

And I think I am just not nerdy enough. Or the fact that I grew up in the mountains without cable...

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

Happy Feature Day!!You have a wonderful saucy blog :)

Eve said...

Hehe... I didn't know of those ads. I was part of the Garbage Pail Kids collectors though. Why did we find these gruesome cabbage patch dolls so funny? (???) Loved them!

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Restoration House Interiors said...

Congats, congrats, congrats! Love your blog!

Hannah said...

Hilarious and congrats!

Donnetta said...

Congrats on being today's featured blog!

And me - I SOO appreciate drunken peanuts!

Mama-Face said...

so creative...so clever

happy SITS DaY!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Congrats on being Saucy! Happy SITS Day! :)

tiarastantrums said...

I have never seen those packages - too funny though - here from SITS!!

GINNA said...

Congrats! OMG...I remember those! Love your blog.

Teresa jane said...

Hi. Visiting by ways of SITS. Loved the intro! Congrat!

MuseSwings said...

Hey! Cool comments from all these wonderful SITStas! I'll make this an even 150.

Fresh Poppy Design said...

I'm not old enough or nerdy enough :)

scrappysue said...

congrats on being the FB! love that tax day post too

Blicky Kitty said...

Thanks so much to everyone for a spectacular bloggy day! I'm trying to answer as many comments as a can via email and I look forward to returning the favor and visiting some new blogs!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Happy SITS day a day late. I'll be back for more of your blog. It cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day!

I was born in 1979 so I can honestly say I don't recall any of those. The Raggedy Ant one is creepy.

Reeni said...

I came from SITS to say hi! I'm a day late but hope you enjoyed your day!!

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello, Thank you for coming over and visiting my blog!
I love your blog. It's very interesting and neat!
I'd love to place your link onto my blog list.
Wishing you a very nice day,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being featured on SITS :)

Great blog keep it up

Life, Love And Lola said...

Those plastered peanuts are a riot!

Mommy, That's My Name, Don't Wear It Out said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! Cool Blog!!! Can't wait to read more and more...

Have a great night!

Bethany said...

I"m a few days behind in visiting the SITS blogs but wanted to stop in and say hi! I look forward to taking a look around your blog!! :)

Just say Julie said...

Congrats on your feature! Such a fun blog & I've had Neko on my playlist at school for the past few weeks... it's much more soothing the noise of the 8th graders in the halls!

queen bee tracy said...

Big kudos on being the Featured Blog! I also want to thank you for a great trip down memory lane. I used to love Wacky Packages and had a very special clipboard with my favorites stuck all over. What I wouldn't give to have that old clipboard now...sigh.