Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blicky's Tips for Riding Out a Bad Economy

Sure the news is bleak. We hear reports of the alarmingly rapid rate Americans (some more than others) are losing jobs. We hear about foreclosures. All of us feel a little more frightened perhaps than we did a year ago. As you know, Blicky Kitty is all about the readerZ, so we've researched long and hard to come up with a solution for you. In recent decades Americans have accustomed ourselves to a standard of living unparalleled in human history. Now are we supposed to give that up? I say no!

The secret? Webkinz World. For the price of a stuffed animal, you too can have access to the greatest place in the whole world. You wait until the kids are in bed because frankly, they just get in the way. Then the fun begins. You start out with a huge pot of money to spend on your crib.
Then all you have to do to earn more is press a button affirming your profound, heartfelt love for your two-dimensional animal avatars to earn more. Also, for those of us in the know, there are two games called the Wheel of Wow and Wishing Well where you get a chance to win serious loot everyday.

Pinky, Kitty, Pearl, Rainbow and Soleil were keeping it real until the economy tanked and I took things over. Now they are decked out with mad ice and it's all about the Benjamins, baby. I'm not saying that Webkinz World is not without it's drawbacks. My neighbors in Kinzville, Fluffy and Spotty have been speaking rather derisively about our conspicuous consumption. They prefer to spend their Kinzcash on the less visible status symbols. Their Webkinz go to Kinzville Academy and wear those dapper little jackets. But they and their peers have gotten to enjoy the wealth of Webkinz World for a longer time than Pinky and Soleil. What they don't understand is that even though we have mad Kincash, we still know how to keep it real.

Most economic deconstructions of bling fail to understand economic expressions are not so binary. Our use of Kinzcash should be understood both as embracing capitalism while subtly subverting its traditional inequities between the haves and the have nots. As we have learned in our research, Webkinz Bling has obviously bought into the larger capitalist project of amassing wealth, measuring all things in money, conspicuous consumption. Nevertheless it has done so while retaining it's traditional cultural idioms and heritage. Part of the use of Webkinz bling can be seen as defiance against another form of Kinzcash capitalism, the racialized white webkinz capitalism that works to keep ethnic minorities (like Soleil and Kitty) in a subjugated position. So while wearing them diamond bracelets, sippin' on Cris, fittin up that Benz with Lorenzo rims might not save or edify you, it'll sure feel good to stick it to the W Man.


Anonymous said...

Oy! I love this! I read it outloud to my hubby! Hahahaha!

MuseSwings said...

I just knew I could depend on you to save the world! Mamma Mia I am gonna be rich! How many Webkidz dollars will it take to pay off my house? How do they stack up against the Euro? Is there a Webkids named Freddo the Tax

The Self-Deprechaun said...

How can I join this world? I don't like being in fetal position all the time like i am now.

Marvel Goose said...

The I.R.S. has already been looking into ways to tax computer simulated income, especially if you can sell the money or goods offline. I would be looking into a Webkinz Real Estate Tax Write-off if I were you.

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh thank you Yaya!

Cynthia, 'fraid the exchange rate is lousy which is why we just need to stay online and eschew the real world.

@Kat I'll be over to look up those references! :)

SD I love you latest post. :) Just buy a webkinz and you're in. Meet me online. My user name is Cleepy. I'll show you around...

@Marvel Goose, OMG your last post had me in stitches. I'm working on that tax loophole. I was actually hoping to get a tax credit from the US since I don't get to declare my kids in webkinz world.

Debby said...

Blicky Kitty has saved the day! Please don't hurt Underdog!

Lori said...

Stopping by from SITS!
Webkinz Rocks! :)

Blicky Kitty said...

Oh I'll be gentle with underdog. :) Thanks so much for stopping by Lori!

LarryG said...

to think I have been ignoring those webkinz as I walk through the hallmark store straight for the beanie babies, to think a stuffed animal can do more than be cuddly in real time, there are virtual stuffed scenarios out there awaiting my unused cpu cycles to invigorate with bits, bytes and beyond.
Thanks BK for telling the world about this...

Natalie said...

i have one of these webkinz animals. i just haven't logged on and got myself set up yet. but maybe i should get on that and become a fellow kinz addict :-)

BloggessJ said...

Have a great SITS day!

Tanielle said...

We have quite a few webkinz at my house! I love them!

cat said...

What a wonderful alternative world. Greetings for South Africa.

Mimi said...

Everything there looks so happy & brightly colored!

Becky said...

I have never even heard of these webkinz, they sound great though :)

Anonymous said...

YES! This is my favorite post of yours EVER!

Elizabeth D. said...

Oh my! Thanks for the video link, haven't heard that song in ages - it made me feel so old! And thanks for educating me on Webkins, my niece and nephew are obsessed with them, and now I know why - they're probably brainwashed!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great substitute for shopping.

tammy said...

hehe...we've been on webkinz for a few years now. :) I often wish earning money was that easy.

Creative Junkie said...

My kids' webkinz rooms look so much better than their real rooms.

Ryan and Katie said...


Frugal Finds said...

If only life was as easy as Webkinz!!

Cher said...

congrats on your sits day! oh, webkinz...if only!

Farmgirl Paints said...

You just opened up a new world for me. We already have like 20 webkins! If I total all of their cash imagine the possibilities:) Thanks for the great post!

Stereos and Souffles said...

How about those Fly Shoes!

Heather said...

Oh, yes, the world of Webkinz.

I love to be able to shop to my heart's content, furnish my entire home, all while leaving my checkbook intact.

congrats on your day in the SITS sun!

Jenny-Jenny said...

Gotta love the Webkinz, but I never thought of sneaking in at night and spending all their dough! great idea!

Debbie said...

Brilliant idea! I think I'll move to that world today.

t said...

Last yr my two youngest children were totally into Webkinz. I think I cause the greatest economic stimulus ever by purchasing almost every Webkinz known to man.

Cute, cute but phew...I'm glad they are happy with the ones they have now! :)

Great post.

What A Card said...

Too funny! How I wish I could get those shoes for my webkinz!

Betsy Eves @JavaCupcake said...

My daughter loves her Webkinz!!!

Happy SITS Day!

Cammie said...

wonder if I need to finally cave and get one for my kid.....

Brandy@YDK said...

Came across your blog through - SITS. Hil - wait for it - arious!

Jennifer said...

Love your post!
Popping in from SITS!

Willo said...

LOL! I will get right at that.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant funny stuff.

Why live in the real world when you can rule the kinz world? Go, you!

Mimi Head said...

Great post!

Nikki said...

Came from SITS. This is brilliant!

Pseudo said...

You are really witty. Great post.

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Great post. Stopping by from SITS

Ali said...

Don't tempt me with the Webkinz thing, I'm already on the computer too much as it is!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I don't dare check out Webkinz. lol.

Rachel said...

Brilliant.... why didn't I think of that?

Brandy said...

Yay I think I'll pass...I really DO NOT need another thing to keep me online. LOL!

Vickie said...

I love Webkinz! Before I started blogging, I used to play on my kids account all the time. I was helping them get more kinz cash. Sometimes I would do all the cool stuff before they would get on...opps:)

Happy SITS day!

Rae Ann said...

Happy SITS Day!

Clearly I am out of the loop. My kids are old enough for Webkins, so I know it not.

Susan said...

Stopping by from SITS! Love Webkinz. Used to "help" my girls all the time then they said I couldn't anymore because I wasn't really helping, I was taking over. The nerve. Wish earning money was as easy in real life as it is in Webkinz World.

Happy SITS Day.

Hillori said...

Ha-ha! And I thought that I was the only one to enjoy the wheel of wow!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I wish I had more time... I'd probably get addicted to Webkinz & bling out my little avatars too!

Unknown said...

My husband and I play world of warcraft which has a structured economy and everything. I can understand the idea of losing your self in unreality because reality itself is unreal.

Jessica said...

If only real life were that simple. Doesn't money grow on trees there??

Mariel said...

what a perfect solution! to think i've been missing out all this time...

Controlling My Chaos said...

Love it. Congrats on your SITS day.

Mary | Deep South Dish said...

I don't have one of these, but confess I have stopped every time I've been in the card shop and looked at them. I just didn't have a child to justify getting one. As somebody who first got affected by Hurricane Katrina and then this tanked economy, you have made me totally rethink this! Great post.

Happy SITS Day!

Carma Sez said...

stoppin' by from SITS. Great post!

Anne said...

Ha ha ha - this is a great post!! I often find myself wishing that it was as easy to earn USD as it is to earn Kinzcash. :p

shortmama said...

ahh the sweet goodness of Webkinz

jubilee said...

And to think I've ignored webkinz all this time. Look what I've been missing out on!

Charmaine said...

Happy SITS day!

Unknown said...


Melissa said...

I love this...Gretting from SITS!

Stephanie said...

LMAO. Great post and happy SITS day.

Alex the Girl said...

Just one more addiction I need to add, huh.

Happy SiTS day.

Rachelle S said...

Happy SITS day! =)

Lisa@saltandlightstudio said...

I can scarcely maneuver through the real world I live in, I think perhaps a virtual world (as enticing as it may be) might be overreaching for me.

Happy SITS day!


Anonymous said...

Too funny! Gotta love those Webkinz!

Andrea said...

I love it. Happy SITS day!

Dani said...

Awesome! Webkidz rock!

Unknown said...

Oh I am an avid Webkinz lover. I fight with my son over rights LOL. Good to know I am not the only one out there.

Michelle said...

Awe that's cute!

Amy said...

Hahaha! I am so glad I got to kind out now what to do in case of an economical crash. Whew, you have saved the life of millions with this profound knowledge. Thank you.

Happy SITS Day!


Webkinz sounds dangerously addicting - I better steer WAYYYY clear of it! LOL

Congrats on your SITS day!

christy rose said...

Very Funny Post!

Kat Rogers said...

Congrats on your day in the sun! Love the Webkinz!

C.G. the Foodie said...


Happy SITS day!

Patricia said...

What a great post!

Happy SITS day! :()

glenna said...

Too funny!! Glad I found SITS!

Merrily Down the Stream said...

We have somehow managed to stay clear of far. congrats on your sits gig!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

BAHAHAHAHA I've been in the Build-a-Bear world and know how fast those dollars can go--whew, and you do have to watch your neighbors, so I hear you on that. WebKinz we haven't done yet, but I'm sure we will visit that world soon to drown our economic sorrows and live in the Land of Denial:)

CDB said...

Now, will all the erudite Kinzkids with their dapper jackets get OUT of the way of Blick's new KinzHummer while he's hypermiling? He has a new kinzClub to roll into.

Happy FB day again! Can't tell you how proud I am.. to be a regular reader. said...

Saving the Webkin at a time ;-) Thank you SITSta, tee hee!

Jamie :-)

Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Happy SITS day to you! Thanks for the good laugh. I've yet to get into the Webkinz stuff, but I know kids that are. My husband's really into Facebook Mafia wars ... if only that money was real too!

Mom said...

Oh yeah, Webkinz is the way to go. I'll bet I can stomp your stylin' kitty butt in a game of Webkinz Supermodelz! LOL

Stop by and visit.

Cookie Brochette said...

OMG, that's hilarious! Thanks for that.

Check out what's cooking under the bulb at...Lightbulb Cuisine. Real food from an Easy Bake Oven.

Marrdy said...

It's a perfect idea! We should all do this.

Mama Nut said...

Stopping by from SITS to say hello. Hopefully the economy will turn around soon.

Katie Lane said...

Cute pictures, love your creativity!

wenderful said...

My kids are riding the recession out just fine considering how much time they spend on their Webkinz. I may need to get one of my own. :)

Intelligence said...

Definitely going to have to give that a try.

Mandy said...

Happy SITS day!

Leslie said...

lol! Yeah, if we could all earn money as fast as our Webkins and FaceBook avatars! THAT would be the life!

Enjoy your SITS day!

Donnetta said...

At least the stuffed animals are living high on the hog!!!1

Stacy Uncorked said...

That's too funny! I got the Princess Nagger a Webkinz and I think I have more fun playing on the virtual world than she does...I like to mess with her and change her furniture and accessories just so the next time she's on there I get the 'NO, Mama, that's NOT how it's SUPPOSED to be!' ;)

Happy SITS Day! :)

Tabitha Blue said...

Hahaha.... that is too funny!!! Never tried it... maybe now it's time.


Gretchen said...

But can I buy a grill for my pearly whites? I needz me a grill.

Jeannie Finelli, RN said...

Thank goodness for back-up plans.

Michelle said...

Wow. Having a little Webkinz addition of my own, I can't stop laughing. Great post!

Bethany said...

LOL I love it!!! My younger sisters love Webkinz...the kids at school are crazy about them. Reminds me of Tamagotchi animals.

Shannon said...

Wish there was a Wheel of Wow in real life!