Monday, November 3, 2008

Whoa! Blicky Was Ready to Settle for Miss Congeniality!

Thank you so much to the talented Poetikat over at Poetikat's Blasts from the Past for the honor of the Superior Scribbler award. It means a lot to me --especially when I think about an over-privileged New England professor told me that my writing was sub-par and good writing was a lot like truck driving. Hmmm, soooo, it's hard work with long hours? No way lady, writing is playful and joyful and rolicking good fun -- at least in the Blickosphere! Thank you Kat for being more encouraging. It's an honor coming from you. I look forward to all your new posts. OK I'll pass along the rules:

1) Each Superior Scribbler must in turn pass The Award on to their most-deserving Blogger Friends. 
2) Each Superior Scribbler must link to the author & the name of the blog from whom he/she has received The Award. 
3) Each Superior Scribbler must display The Award on his/her blog, and link to This Post, which explains The Award. 
4) Each Blogger who wins The Superior Scribbler Award must visit this post and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List. That way, we'll be able to keep up-to-date on everyone who receives This Prestigious Honor! 
5) Each Superior Scribbler must post these rules on his/her blog. 

hehee I literally have a small 3-yeaz old gnome-type person scaling my shoulders as I type, so I'll think about how to pass it along and update this post anon...
OK all gnome-type humans are all asleep so I can name Blicky's picks for the Superior Scribbler Award. I am excited to have my first shot at passing out awards. All the blogs I follow are really amazing in different ways, so at some point Blicky might have to devise his own award for the blogs that make him laugh until he disgorges a furball (you know who you are...yes I mean you and you). Many are smart and funny, many are exquisitely beautiful and these are my favorites for the Superior Scribbling:

Muse Swings: I am consistently amazed by how Cynthia is able to move so deftly from being hysterically funny to amazingly profound while maintaining a consistent, beautifully expressed voice throughout. She's a fun person to have in the Blickosphere!
whatmamasaysgoes: I will link to Mama's post about gratitude because I think it's absolutely beautiful. I think she is a great and brilliant person and a truly gifted writer.
Skillful Means: I always love to learn from Dharma over at Skillful Means. Her posts range widely -- from travel, music, politics to Second Life and technology -- and her thoughtful prose has a way of sticking in my mind.
Willow Manor: Few blogs utilize the medium quite so beautifully as Willow Manor. She narrates stories beautifully and like a 15th century MS, she uses images and prose together in such a beautiful way. She also plays with words and their meanings with a real sense of fun.


Aleta said...

Congratulations! What an honor!

Tess Kincaid said...

Congrats on a very well deserved honor! :)

Dorkys Ramos said...

Congrats on your lovely award!!

MuseSwings said...

Blick! I love this award, and I am nearly -but never completely - speechless. Thank you so very much! Your coments are very kind and wonderful.

I'm going to have to ask Dr. West how all this excitement will affect my nervous exhaustion -I'm thinking another dose of laudanum..say, Blick, you were just over there...did you just use all of my chloroform?

Anna Lefler said...

OK, first of all, your "Mao" banner just about made ME cough up a furball. That killed! * snort *

And thank you for the shout-out! Making you laugh consistently is about the highest praise I could hope for. (Feel free next time to make a meaningful aside re my dewy complexion and youthfully pert bosom. I checked the award rules: you're allowed to make crap up. Really.)

Bask in your award, oh, Kitty of Profound Blicky-ness! You TOTALLY deserve it!!



Tess Kincaid said...

OMG, Blicky!! I am so honored!! Thank you so very much. Your kind words have just made my day. :)

Mama said...

Hi Ms. Blickness. Thank you so much for honoring me with an award... I'm touched. I'm speechless. I'm... totally confused.

Yikes! Will you explain to me the technicalities of what I'm supposed to do here and how I post the image to my site? This is good. It will force me to learn how to do some things... like post an image to my blog. Mama is a techno wimpie.

But Kitty kitten, ms. blue (remember THAT name? so appropriate) this is your day to celebrate. Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the award. You really deserve it. What fun I have reading your blog.

Thank you for the kind words about my blog, it is an honor from you.

I don't know if I can accept the award fully because I don't read many personal blogs. If I had to award one, can I award it back to you?

Thanks again, Dharma